Monday, March 2, 2009


My family always has car trouble. once we had two cars then on the same day both of our cars died. we bought a new van but the maroon car aka. "devil car" cost more to fix it than it was worth so we got rid of it.

Then for a graduation/birthday present we bought my brother a blue scion. we used it as our second car until he went to college we still pay 500 dollars a month to pay for it. now we only have one car which my dad uses to go to work an hour away while me and my mom are home we can't go any where till my dad is home.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

saving money

My mom and dad are in this financial peace thing at church and the got me this this chart that says what chore what day and how much I get payed for it. and if I do all my chores I get payed my maximum amount of money (15 dollars) and that is my allowance that is split to giving, savings, and spending. I also get another chart that says what I'm going to use with the money and how much it is. I'm saving for street fighter 4. the part I don't like is that I have to use my own money on things that are not needed.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

paintball party

this weekend I am going to my friend Jacob's birthday party and for his birthday we are going to go paintball. paint balling is so fun it's like your at war with no blood. paint balls don't really hurt that much. last time we went paint balling we where were the last of our team alive and the a paint ball suddenly crashed against his helmet. If you where there it would be a lot funnier. but I can't wait to go paint balling.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


for church I'm doing puppets. it's lots of fun. in our skit me and my friend our sports announcers for PESN (puppet entertainment sports network) and where talk at the pregame about how the running back ran it in on triple overtime and on the sidelines he talks about how it wasn't him it was gods power.

Friday, February 6, 2009

going to corpus

tommorow I am going to courpus to see my aunt, uncle, and grandpa. you may be thinking why would I go to the beach in the winter well because it is warm up here it fells like spring. and the best part is that because it's winter and you can see the moon in the day time the waves will be awsome. I can't wait to leave.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

super bowl

I am so happy that the steelers won the super bowl. the weird thing is that it seemed every one was routing for the cardinals. I'm guessing mostly because every one just hates the steelers more than they don't care about the cardinals. well I don't know about you but I'm happy.

Friday, January 30, 2009

watership down

I am reading a book for school called water ship down. it's a book about brave Bunny's that talk. that is just weird. It doesn't fell like it is a really interesting book if you ask me but I guess I'll just have to read the rest.